Deletion log
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Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:safe sleep milli (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:safe sleep (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:ib printf (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:SendSock (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:SendRemoteReply (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:SendMessage (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:SendIRC (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:NumPlugins (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:NumNetworks (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:LogToChan (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:LoadMessage (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:IsNetworkReady (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetUserPass (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetUserLevel (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetStreamInfo (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetSSInfo (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetPlugin (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetConfigSectionValueBuf (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetConfigSectionValue (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetConfigSectionLong (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetConfigSection (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetBotNick (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:EnableRequests (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 03:22, 25 October 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:ClearSockEntries (Outdated IRCBot v3 Info)
- 12:55, 22 July 2008 Indy talk contribs deleted page ChannelEditor (content was: '1. deleting duplicate channels doesn't seems to be working. can there be an option to delete by channel # or channel name?Import/export' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 02:23, 9 October 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Ircbot client alpha ubuntu.png
- 17:29, 22 September 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page CTCP (content was: 'The Client-To-Client Protocol (CTCP)Klaus Zeuge <sojge@Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE>Troy Rollo <>Ben Mesander <>...' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 05:14, 2 June 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Category:IRCBot Main Pages (content was: 'IRCBot Main Pages' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 22:48, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Message ID Registry (content was: 'This is a stub page, it'll get filled in when I have time.' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 22:47, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Template:Tnavbar
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yourvariant (No longer required)
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yourtext (No longer required)
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yourrealname (No longer required)
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yourpasswordagain (No longer required)
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yourpassword (No longer required)
- 21:58, 24 January 2007 Unknown user talk deleted page MediaWiki:Yournick (No longer required)
- 20:58, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:MessageFreeData (content was: 'Back to Plugin APIvoid MessageFreeData(void * data)Parameters: IN data A pointer to some data returned from...' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 20:58, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:PopMessage
- 20:58, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:GetParameter
- 14:27, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Function:PushMessage
- 03:57, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Struct:CONFIG SECTION (content was: ' struct CONFIG_SECTION { CONFIG_SECTION *Prev,*Next; char name[64]; CONFIG_VALUE * items; };Related: [[Struct:CONFIG_VALUE|CONFIG_VAL...' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))
- 02:44, 24 January 2007 Indy talk contribs deleted page Talk:Main Page
- 17:42, 12 September 2006 Indy talk contribs deleted page V3:Changelog
- 00:43, 22 November 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif (Deleted old revision 20051025002143!Indysams.gif.)
- 00:23, 25 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif (Deleted old revision 20051025002258!Indysams.gif.)
- 19:05, 23 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif
- 19:05, 23 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif (Deleted old revision 20051023190321!Indysams.gif.)
- 19:02, 23 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif
- 19:02, 23 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page File:Indysams.gif (Deleted old revision 20051023190123!Indysams.gif.)
- 18:19, 23 October 2005 Indy talk contribs deleted page Drift Standard Libaries (content was: '#redirect Drift Standard Libraries' (and the only contributor was 'Indy'))