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SimpleDJ Voice

This feature of SimpleDJ does announcements between songs of what is coming up next, etc.


In the SimpleDJ section, Options subsection these options are available:

EnableVoice 1
 Enables or disables the SimpleDJ voice
Voice X
 On windows, use Name=Voice Name to select a SAPI voice (Microsoft SAM by default)
VoiceArtist Artist
 Set the artist metadata for the SimpleDJ Voice announcements
VoiceTitle  Title
 Set the title metadata for the SimpleDJ Voice announcements

Text Messages

In RadioBot.conf, simply add lines like the following:

SDJVoice_X=You are listening to Generic Radio. Coming up next: %song
 For X, use 0 to 32 (for a max of 32 messages)

RadioBot vde

RadioBot main pages
Main PageInstallationChangelogCommandsPluginsFAQConfigurationCreditsRemote ClientBuilt-In VariablesMulti Sound Server ModeUsername Character Restrictions
Auto DJ Pages
Auto DJ Main PageWebRequest SystemSchedulerMP3 EncoderVoice SupportMySQL Plugin