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This page documents a development or unofficial plugin for RadioBot. You should not count on this plugin working, being publically released, or being stable.

The TeamSpeak3 plugin allows users on your TeamSpeak3 server to interact with the bot (take requests, search for songs, etc.)


See the Configuration page for information on configuring this plugin.


This plugin can use messages defined in ircbot.text.

TS3TopicOnline - The channel topic to set when the radio is online. You can use all standard Built-In Variables in this string. ie. %song and %dj.
TS3TopicOffline - The channel topic to set when the radio is offline. You can use all standard Built-In Variables in this string. ie. %song and %dj.
You can set messages for a specific TS3 server with TS3TopicOffline_X/TS3TopicOnline_X matching the TeamSpeak3/ServerX section.
If you do not set a message then the channel topic will not be managed.
TS3DescriptionOnline - The channel description to set when the radio is online. Use \n to make a new line. You can use all standard Built-In Variables in this string. ie. %song and %dj.
TS3DescriptionOffline - The channel description to set when the radio is offline. Use \n to make a new line. You can use all standard Built-In Variables in this string. ie. %song and %dj.
You can set messages for a specific TS3 server with TS3DescriptionOffline_X/TS3DescriptionOffline_X matching the TeamSpeak3/ServerX section.
If you do not set a message then the channel desscription will not be managed.
TS3Song - Sent to your channel when a new song is played. Use \n to make a new line. You can use all standard Built-In Variables in this string. ie. %song and %dj.
You can set messages for a specific TS3 server with TS3Song_X matching the TeamSpeak3/ServerX section.
If you do not set a message then a channel message will not be sent.

Messages Example

Here is an example of messages you could use:

TS3TopicOffline=[%sname is Offline]
TS3TopicOnline=[%sname is Online | Current DJ: %dj]
TS3DescriptionOnline=This channel has a bot in it that can respond to your commands. Type @find to search for music or !commands for a command list.
TS3DescriptionOffline=This channel has a bot in it that can respond to your commands. Type @find to search for music or !commands for a command list.
TS3Song=%dj is playing %song [Listeners: %clients/%max] [Requests: %req] [Song Ratings: %ratings%] [Song Rating: %rating% with %votes% vote(s)]

OS Support

Operating System: Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit Native Linux/Unix 32-bit Linux/Unix 64-bit FreeBSD 32-bit FreeBSD 64-bit
Supported: Yes Untested Yes Yes Yes Yes

RadioBot vde

RadioBot main pages
Main PageInstallationChangelogCommandsPluginsFAQConfigurationCreditsRemote ClientBuilt-In VariablesMulti Sound Server ModeUsername Character Restrictions
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Auto DJ Main PageWebRequest SystemSchedulerMP3 EncoderVoice SupportMySQL Plugin