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This page documents a development or unofficial plugin for RadioBot. You should not count on this plugin working, being publically released, or being stable.

The Trivia plugin allows users in your channel to answer trivia questions and earn points. Each round is individually scored as well as keeping global and per-channel stats for leaderboards.

Triggers (Channel)

!trivia - Begin a trivia game in the current channel
!stoptrivia - Stop a trivia game that is currently running (Level 2 or higher)
!strivia - Alias of !stoptrivia (Level 2 or higher)
!hint - Gives user's a hint on the current question (if enabled)
!trivia-curscore - Shows the score of the current game to the game's channel (Level 4 or higher)
!trivia-scores - Shows the (up to) top 10 trivia players by number of points (Level 4 or higher can use '!trivia-scores public' to display to the channel)
!trivia-wins - Shows the (up to) top 10 trivia players by number of game wins (Level 4 or higher can use '!trivia-scores public' to display to the channel)

Triggers (PM/Console)

!trivia-scores [netno #channel] - Messages you the (up to) top 10 trivia players by number of points globally or by a particular channel.
!trivia-wins [netno #channel] - Messages you the (up to) top 10 trivia players by number of game wins globally or by a particular channel.

Custom Messages

The plugin supports custom messages so you can modify and customize the look of the game text to your needs and/or language. Here is an example containing the default messages:

TriviaAnnounce=%nick has initiated Trivia! Game will start in %secs seconds...
TriviaOver=The trivia game has ended, we hope you enjoyed yourself!
TriviaQuestion=Question %num: %question
TriviaTimeout=Question timed out, it seems nobody knew that one. The answer was %bold%answer
TriviaNextQTime=Next question is in %secs seconds.
TriviaCorrect=%nick got it! The answer was %answer earning you %points points.
TriviaCorrectStreak=Congratulations %nick, that is %streak in a row! The answer was %answer earning you %points points.
TriviaScoresOver=Trivia Final Scores
TriviaScoresMid=Trivia Scores at Question %num
TriviaScoresEnd=End of list.
TriviaScore=%rank. %nick: %points point(s)
TriviaHistoryNone=Sorry, there is no score history.
TriviaHistoryBegin=Trivia Top Players
TriviaHistoryBegin2=Rank | Player | Wins | Total Points
TriviaHistoryScore=%rank. %nick %wins %points
TriviaHistoryEnd=End of list.
TriviaHint=Here is a hint: %hint


See the Configuration page for information on configuring this plugin.

Libraries in Use

PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (BSD licence)

OS Support

Operating System: Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit Native Linux/Unix 32-bit Linux/Unix 64-bit FreeBSD 32-bit FreeBSD 64-bit
Supported: Yes Untested Yes Yes Yes Yes

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