Plugin:AutoDJ:Advanced Playlist

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This is a new AutoDJ feature that lets you define multiple content directories as independent playlists.

  • This is a new feature and subject to change

To use an Advanced Playlist, create a file called anything.apl (.apl is required) in notepad or your favorite text editor.
Then in your AutoDJ/Server section, set Content to your .apl file (example: Content AutoDJ.apl)

For example, if you wanted a country/rock mix station you could make an .apl file like this:



This would play 1-3 songs from the country playlist and then 1-3 songs from the rock playlist and repeat.

Notes: Your AutoDJ promo settings will still apply and you can use multiple directories like your Content line for each playlist.
For example, this would work: countrywestern=c:\music\Country;c:\music\Western